Exhibited at the Pretoria Art Museum as part of the Sasol New Signatures Competition 2011.
Synopsis: This artwork is intended to stir up a dialogue concerning the nature of prophesy, particularly in relation to 2012 being the end of the world. In one sense or another we are all self-appointed prophets, some prophecy that the end is near while others prophecy that it is not. According to Biblical scriptures, however, no one will know the day or hour in which ‘the end’ will occur. Despite this, there have been many attempts to pinpoint a particular day or year, for example the hype around the 21 May 2011, the Nostradamus prophecies, the Aztec Calendar and many ‘dooms day’ prophets declaring 2012 the end.
This work consists of four layers, a collage of more than 130 images reconstructed using Photoshop. The central panel is a collage of 8 images of the 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami. Again, to some a symbol of God’s judgment on the Japanese for their share in ‘killing the planet,’ and to others a random act of nature.
The next layer pictures something of the debase state of the world at present. With all the uproar amongst environmentalists, conspiracy theorists, religious leaders, politicians, etc. One can’t but imagine that the world is poised for destruction and chaos. What does the future hold for mankind? Bordered by this are some already fulfilled ‘biblical prophecies.’ According to these, it is hard not to assume that our generation will be witnesses to ‘The End.’ These prophecies are obscured by symbols and prophetic diagrams of various cults and religions. And all of this is framed with the song by Leonard Cohen, titled “The Future.” The lyrics of which, aptly depict a secular consciousness of things to come.